Early Morning Care and Extended Day
Early Morning Care
Near North prides itself on being a home for our students and families, and we provide a safe and enriching environment for students whenever we can.
We offer Early Morning Care for children ages 2 to 14. Families can sign up for early morning care by the day based on needs.
Students at the 3-6 level begin the day in their regular classroom in the care of a classroom assistant. At the elementary level, students join peers for games and fun.
Early morning care will accept drop ins on a case by case basis.
Extended Day
NNM offers general extended day (formally known as “general afterschool”) for all students ages 2 to 14 and select specialty extended day classes (formally known as “specialty activities” for students ages 5 to 14. Families will be able to sign up for general extended day or specialty extended day classes each session.
General extended day will accept drop ins on a case by case basis.
Rotations for Elementary and Junior High
Elementary students who are signed up for general extended day (formally known as general afterschool) will have the option to try different activities in short, 4-6 week rotations. Students will choose from activities like technology in the STEM studio, cooking classes, open art studio, and more!
Junior high students will have opportunities for library time, extended day internships, life-skills workshops, and other meaningful work.
Follow this link to see a snapshot of our Extended Day offerings here
Weekends at NNM
Spend your Saturdays with Near North Montessori! The doors are open to infants and their caregivers, aspiring chefs, and lifelong learners of all ages. Near North staff and community partners are excited to welcome you into the beautiful place we call NNM!
Follow this link to see a list of our incredible weekend classes!