Language Lessons at every Level
NNM students begin their Spanish education as Young Children's Community. In the Young Children's Community and 3–6 classrooms, at least one Spanish speaking adult conducts formal and informal Spanish lessons during the school day. In the elementary and junior high levels, students receive two hours of Spanish instruction each week. The classrooms offer opportunities for students to work on Spanish outside of the formal lessons.
The Spanish program has three main goals: understanding of the basics of the language (vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, sentence structure), building conversational skills and gaining a strong appreciation of the Latino culture. Because of the short amount of time spent in formal Spanish lessons per week, this program is not designed or intended to give students fluency in the language. Rather, they will acquire a basic understanding of essential elements to prepare them to study it more intensely in high school.
Included in the cultural appreciation aspect of the program, the Spanish teachers plan trips out into the city (e.g., The National Museum of Mexican Art) as well as offer opportunities with Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, a home for abandoned and abused children in Honduras. A service trip to Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos is an option for some of our older students.
NNM believes that the cultural studies and appreciation of diversity are as equally important as the acquistion of language skills.