Blog & Other Publications

The Montessorian

Near North's magazine, The Montessorian, showcases stories from the school, updates from alumni, and larger strategic updates for our community. Near North's annual report reflects back on the previous year, and looks forward to the exciting things on the horizon.

Spring 2022
Spring 2021 | Year in Review 2020-21
Spring 2020 | Year in Review 2019-20
Year in Review 2018-19
Fall 2017 | Year in Review 2017-18 
Fall 2016 | Spring 2017
Fall 2015 | Spring 2016
Spring 2015

The Montessorian Online

Three students sitting on the edge of a river at camp

I want to take time to share thoughts regarding the meaning behind why we believe camp is so important that we include it as part of our curriculum. My reflections are mainly from my observations of children attending the end-of-the-year week-long camp. I am focusing on three areas: building independence, the extension of the curriculum, and fostering social development.

Kandyce and Dani, NNM Equity Team
  • Has anyone ever said something that didn’t sit quite well with you, but you were unsure of how to respond in the moment? 
  • Have you ever had to check a racial identity box and were unsure of which to pick? 
  • Do you wonder what are best practices around having age-appropriate conversations about current events with your child? 
  • Is this something that you have never had to consider?

Listening for Justice Podcast

Near North's students take to the airwaves with the "Listening for Justice" podcast. Created by four Junior High students in Blotch, the student social justice group, the series seeks to showcase voices of members of our community who have faced injustice or been 'otherized.' The six episode series continues to NNM's ongoing conservation about inclusivity.

Episode 1: Primary Director Reena Morgan took us on a journey into her childhood and the shame she was made to feel because her unique culture was not that of others.

Episode 2: Assistant Teacher and Near North grad Patrick Pressel (’02) recounted the feeling of being racially profiled by the police when he was in high school.

Episode 3: School Receptionist Pat Daniels and 12-14 Teacher Cynthia Castiglione discussed the impact of the “N-word” and whether it was okay for it to be used by someone who considers herself a white progressive ally.

Episode 4: Administrative Assistant Lauren Pate shared a recent story where she stood up to a person making racists comments and what it means to be an ally, even for yourself.

Episode 5: NNM Parent Jeannette Schar shared two difficult stories about how labels that are meant to be inclusive can sometimes exclude as well as the paralyzing nature of facing the realities of injustice.

Episode 6: 12-14 Teacher and Blotch co-facilitator Cynthia Castiglione interviewed the “Listening for Justice” student creators to discuss what they learned about injustice over the course of their project by listening to the stories of NNM community members.